weight tracker

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I just pulled up my blog to realize that I only have a hundred days left. WHOOPEEE!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

This last weekend we went to Taylor to visit Travis' clan. We had a huge blast. Darren is already planning with Travis the next time we can go up. Snowflake has a pumpkin patch and a corn maze. The corn maze was pretty fun, but with three cranky children after 10 minutes it was time to hurry. I was happy we decided to get the map to the maze. We definitly got some good pictures out of this though.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Graham County Fair

This weekend was Fair weekend. We went to the fair saw some exhibits and watched the Parade. Below are the fabulous pictures. Haylie walked for most of the time. But when she got tired she just sat down in the middle walkway.
Haylie liked the sheep as long as it didn't turn around. Once it did she went running.
This is the juggler with his lighted somethings just right after he set himself on FIRE.
and here he dropped a pin. I don't thin he was a very good juggler, but he was still funny to watch.
I played the dart game hit al three and still only got one of the small toys on the bottom LAME!

Here is the juggler at the parade
If you look closely that kid was trying to get out of the cart.
Don't we look cute
Hooray for the Helicopter
Cute little mini horses
I'm ready
Let's Dance
I think she looks so cute
My beautiful family
I love the old lady look
Don't we love the curlers
She just sat down in the grass waiting for the parade to start.

I want one

A few weeks ago Darren, Haylie and I went down to the valley. While there we went to Bass Pro Shop. We saw these tiny four wheelers and put Haylie on one, needless to say she loved it. When we went camping with the Griffith's Haylie would run after anyone who took off on a four wheeler. Maybe when she is older, alot older we will see about getting her own. For now everyone has to have a dream. The first 2 pics are taken off my phone at Bass Pro and the last three are taken at the Graham County Fair. I know this is blurry but it was just too cute.
I love that smile.
Go Haylie Go
Maybe not a two wheeler.(SCARY)
That is my favorite face it is a rarity to capture.

The Things We Do..

Potty Training is on our list of things to teach Haylie. We couldn't get her to sit on the toilet so we let her play with Daddy's phone(hehe), while mommy takes pictures with her phone.Doesn't she look so cute with that wild hair.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Haylie's new Haircut

I took Haylie to get her haircut today at Mia's Fun Cuts. They specialize in kids haircuts, which is wonderful with Haylie who will not sit still. Here are some cute pics.

Darren's poor aching back....

We have had a questions about Darren and his back, so I am responding to the inquiries. A couple of weeks ago Darren was tossing Haylie up and down he went. We don't know exactly what happened. All I know is I came home from work to Darren hunched over grabbing his knees. He told me that this was the only comfortable position that he could walk. He went to the chiropractor and he wasn't there but his assistant "thought" he could. It made it worse. He went back the next day and saw the chiropractor that sort of helped. By the end of the week he couldn't take it so he went to a doctor and got x-rayed. They think he has a compressed disc. He has a pain pill, muscle relaxer and an anti-inflammatory. He is a little loopy. We are just letting him relax and hoping each day maybe he will be able to walk for longer than fifteen minutes.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Yeah Me!!!

YEAH I finally figured out how to put in my own music and update my background from cutest blog. By the way www.thecutestblogontheblock.com really does have the cutest blog backgrounds if any of you are interested. I am so excited to have some fun updated stuff. Thank you Katie for teaching me about HTML. I would still be lost if it was not for you. Thank you again.

Nintendo DS

Everytime I turn around Haylie has the DS. With Darren's back being out we have just been giving it to her for some sanity.She even has fallen asleep with it. We definitely going to have to find a different activity for her.
