weight tracker

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Christmas Day

For Christmas we spent it in Gilbert with Kelly and Sterling in the morning Grandma and Grandpa Griffith in the afternoon. I realized our camera was not working so great a few days before Christmas, so I only got a few shots. On Christmas morning we had to wake Haylie up. Weird huh waking a kid up for Christmas. We decided we would only open up a few presents on Christmas day because we were doing Christmas on the Jan. 4 with all of Darren's fam.

Poor Haylie just wanted some sleep

Waking up is hard to do

She warmed up to presents eventually

My new "gun"

Darren's new gun. Yes that is an assault rifle.

Haylie sure loves her mouse.

To finish Griffith Breakfast Morning would not be complete without some yummy Chorizo


Sara said...

Your hair is so pretty in these pictures... :) Counting down the days at this point, right? :)