This is the story of how the "Beautiful Fairy" became the "Tired and Topless Fairy"
This year for Halloween I got to dress up Haylie. I was very excited to dress her up as a fairy until the night before Halloween she got a hold of some scissors and put a hole in her wings. AARRGGHH! She proceeded on her destruction trip the night of Halloween to rip the top of her wand and when she got mad she started ripping out the ribbons to her bows. The icing on the cake was she became a topless fairy because she got completely wet. She played in a water bucket that was like the duck ponds at the fair. I was having a little bit of STRESS. We made it thru though and Haylie had bunches of fun. My favorite part of the night was we got her to finally say trick or treat but when we get to some ones house she would close her mouth and just hold out her bucket.
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