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Friday, June 19, 2009

You just can't leave me alone

Whose hair could that possibly be?It's Bryan's. Here is his before. and here is the after. I admit that I cut it too short, but his hair grows pretty fast.

I really like it though. His hair is alot lighter than I thought. What a handsome little man.


Sue said...

KaraLyn is trying to walk me thru this stuff and quess what? I'm commenting! WooHoo! I love his haircut. He looks more like Darrin. We first thought Haylie cut her hair. Whew!

Kiera said...

CUTE!! looks adorable:)I love how much hair that baby has!!!

Katie and Travis Melser said...

I don't think it is too short at all. Man, we haven't seen that little guy for soooo long, he is so cute. Hopefully we will see you guys soon.