weight tracker

Monday, July 20, 2009

Queasy Stomachs BEWARE

Darren had a little accident this weekend with a dresser and a bed of a truck. He was helping Kelly and Sterling move-in this weekend and when they were unloading the dresser he slipped and his pinky finger got caught in between the dresser and the bed of the truck. Sterling and him had it bandaged when he came into the house but I insisted he went to the ER. While in the ER he took a few picturs for me so I could share them with all of you.Blood lots of blood
That white stuff in the middle is his fat, in case you were wondering

8 Stitches is what it took to sew him up.
A little funny side note is now he is very proper when he drinks, pinky up


KaraLyn said...

Good call going to the ER!!! That is AWESOME!!! No queasy somach here! I like blood and guts! I know I'm crazy, but I think it's cool. I'm glad you went and got it stitched up... that was super deep!!! Hope it heals fast!