weight tracker

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Due Date

I went and saw my new OB, who agreed I was pregnant. He looked at the baby and said I am thinking of doing another C-Section. Well I had already decided to do another C-Section, since Haylie's delivery was so "wonderful". My official C-Section date is set for Jan. 26, which takes off almost two weeks of pregnancy. YEAH!!!!! I am really excited to be able to see my new addition to the family. I really can't wait.

Monday, December 22, 2008

I am SUPER Excited

I heart Christmas. I can not wait it will be the first Christmas that Haylie will show some real interest. She has such a fun personality and she has already opened a few gifts for us. Thanks Mom for the puzzle. I put it together today.

New Room

Darren and I have moved to Gilbert last week and have been super busy trying to organize our stuff. Darren finished painting Haylie's room earlier this week. I was supposed to blog about this earlier so my Mom could see what a great job he did. Better late then never, I guess. But he painted all the walls white except one he painted pink. I then went and found believe it or not wall stickers at the Dollar Store and I had already made her name. Thanks Kyrsta for the bedspread really gave me good ideas. It was fun decorating a space just for Haylie. She has been really excited to go upstairs and play with her toys.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Entertainment in the car.

This is the picture I took with my phone looking in the backseat at Haylie. I know it is blurry but it is just to funny to pass up.

For any of you that are wondering what is around her neck it is her toilet seat cover. Don't worry I washed that morning, so at least it was clean.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The things our kids say..

Haylie has a little bit of a diaper rash. When I went to change her poor little buns. She of coursed screamed OOWWWWW!!! But it is what she said afterwards that makes me blog this. She then screamed WHHHHYYYYYY!!!! I felt so bad for her little bum, but I had to giggle. As she starts to speak more words it becomes more fun.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving weekend was a ton of fun, my brothers Levi and Travis' fam came down. We also had Darren's family down for Denise's wedding. We always enjoy family being around. Here are a few pictures of the weekend. I forgot to grab the camera for Denise's wedding so I am sorry there won't be any pictures.

Haylie fell asleep waiting for everyone to show up.

Haylie helped Levi bring soda down the hall. She has 12 packs on the back of her push car.

Haylie is really strong. She huffed and puffed this 12 pack all by herself (Okay there was probably only eight in the box).

Levi and Travis getting ready to shoot some guns

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I saw on Kelly and Sterling's blog their baby countdown, and I kind of wanted a different one for awhile. It has a funny saying on there, check it out.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

We are mean, but this is hilarious

Darren was at home doing his homework one day and heard this real loud grumbling. He thought it might be Haylie snoring, so he went in to check on her and no not her. Finally he found the source. HEHE!! You might want to turn the music off and turn up the volume but this is hilarious.

Micah might kill us for this but we couldn't resist. We still love you Micah.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I have been tagged.....

8 favorite shows....
1. Bones
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Dancing with the Stars
4. So you think you can Dance
5. Lingo
6. American Idol
7. The Dish
8. Mick Mouse Clubhouse (1/2 hour of sanity)

8 things I did yesterday......
1. Woken up by Haylie of course
2. Got Ready
3. Went to Work
4. Walked to and from Post Office
5. Went Home for Lunch
6. Walked to and from Banks
7. Went Home
8. Got my Hair done

8 things to look forward to....
1. Thanksgiving
2. Denise's Wedding
3. Christmas
4. Moving to Gilbert
5. Sleeping in my KING size bed(I need room note my early post)
6. Watching Haylie grow up
7. Having Bryan
8. 4 weeks until I no longer have to go to work

8 favorite restaurants....
1. Red Robin
2. Casa Manana
3. Chalo's
4. Denise's! :)
5. Jumbo's
6. Applebees
7. Rigatoni's
8. King Wok

8 things on my wish list.....
1. A healthy Baby!
2. To be able to put my own pants on in March :)
3. To have Happy Holidays
4. More maternity pants!
5. For Darren to figure out what he wants to do for a living...
6. A Good nights sleep
7. To be able to deal with the stress of two children instead of one.
8. A rewarding future!

8 people to tag.....
Whoever would like to be tagged.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Third trimester

I have finally reached my final trimester. Woot Woot!!! I have a feeling I am going to be huge by the end of this, but I only have 13 weeks left. YEAH!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This is why we LOVE her...

Haylie came out of Grandpa's room laughing hystrerically. We all turned to her, to see this. For those of you that don't know Grandma and Grandpa Melser have bought a scooter. This is Grandma's helmet.

Grandpa informs us she put the helmet on all by herself.

Of course the helmet would not be complete with Haylie posing on the Scooter.

Monday, November 3, 2008


This is the story of how the "Beautiful Fairy" became the "Tired and Topless Fairy"

This year for Halloween I got to dress up Haylie. I was very excited to dress her up as a fairy until the night before Halloween she got a hold of some scissors and put a hole in her wings. AARRGGHH! She proceeded on her destruction trip the night of Halloween to rip the top of her wand and when she got mad she started ripping out the ribbons to her bows. The icing on the cake was she became a topless fairy because she got completely wet. She played in a water bucket that was like the duck ponds at the fair. I was having a little bit of STRESS. We made it thru though and Haylie had bunches of fun. My favorite part of the night was we got her to finally say trick or treat but when we get to some ones house she would close her mouth and just hold out her bucket.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Griffith Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I just pulled up my blog to realize that I only have a hundred days left. WHOOPEEE!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

This last weekend we went to Taylor to visit Travis' clan. We had a huge blast. Darren is already planning with Travis the next time we can go up. Snowflake has a pumpkin patch and a corn maze. The corn maze was pretty fun, but with three cranky children after 10 minutes it was time to hurry. I was happy we decided to get the map to the maze. We definitly got some good pictures out of this though.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Graham County Fair

This weekend was Fair weekend. We went to the fair saw some exhibits and watched the Parade. Below are the fabulous pictures. Haylie walked for most of the time. But when she got tired she just sat down in the middle walkway.
Haylie liked the sheep as long as it didn't turn around. Once it did she went running.
This is the juggler with his lighted somethings just right after he set himself on FIRE.
and here he dropped a pin. I don't thin he was a very good juggler, but he was still funny to watch.
I played the dart game hit al three and still only got one of the small toys on the bottom LAME!

Here is the juggler at the parade
If you look closely that kid was trying to get out of the cart.
Don't we look cute
Hooray for the Helicopter
Cute little mini horses
I'm ready
Let's Dance
I think she looks so cute
My beautiful family
I love the old lady look
Don't we love the curlers
She just sat down in the grass waiting for the parade to start.

I want one

A few weeks ago Darren, Haylie and I went down to the valley. While there we went to Bass Pro Shop. We saw these tiny four wheelers and put Haylie on one, needless to say she loved it. When we went camping with the Griffith's Haylie would run after anyone who took off on a four wheeler. Maybe when she is older, alot older we will see about getting her own. For now everyone has to have a dream. The first 2 pics are taken off my phone at Bass Pro and the last three are taken at the Graham County Fair. I know this is blurry but it was just too cute.
I love that smile.
Go Haylie Go
Maybe not a two wheeler.(SCARY)
That is my favorite face it is a rarity to capture.